a city street with cars parked on both sides

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Connecting you with finest local shops and services in Kamra.

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Your local guide to businesses. Discover shops, services, and contacts to support your community and find everything you need in one convenient place.

black and white UNKs UNK restaurant signage
black and white UNKs UNK restaurant signage


Discover local businesses with contact details and images for easy access.

Mobile & Computer Shops

two person's hands holding turned-on phones
two person's hands holding turned-on phones

Real Estate Businesses

white and red wooden house miniature on brown table
white and red wooden house miniature on brown table

Educational Institutes

a group of people sitting around a wooden table
a group of people sitting around a wooden table

Sweets & Bakery's

baked pastry lot in serve-over counter
baked pastry lot in serve-over counter

Karobar Directory

Discover local businesses in Kamra, Punjab. Browse contacts and images of shops and services available in Kutba and nearby areas.


Kamra, Punjab, Pakistan

Karobar Directory has been a game changer for local businesses. The images and contacts provided are incredibly helpful for connecting with the community.

Ali Khan

A narrow street or alley is shown, lined with old buildings and adorned with string lights and hanging flower baskets. There is a sign for a barber shop named 'Kamuren's Barber Shop' along with other signs indicating 'Exchange Hall' and 'St Nicholas Market'. Further down the alley, there is seating with tables and chairs, with some people visible. A small delivery vehicle is parked along the side. A church spire rises in the background.
A narrow street or alley is shown, lined with old buildings and adorned with string lights and hanging flower baskets. There is a sign for a barber shop named 'Kamuren's Barber Shop' along with other signs indicating 'Exchange Hall' and 'St Nicholas Market'. Further down the alley, there is seating with tables and chairs, with some people visible. A small delivery vehicle is parked along the side. A church spire rises in the background.
